Friday, December 31, 2010

It Was A Perfect Day

For painting that is. Today was one of those rare winter days - the temps hit the mid 50's and even though it was raining off and on, it was the day to paint the outside of the entrance door to the 3rd apartment. Guess who does all the painting in our family....No, not Pete. We are finally to the part of this apartment where I have been painting these last few days. We made a bunch of progress yesterday - trimed the window and ledge in the bathroom. Made the door jam for the bathroom pocket door and cut and painted all the bathroom door trim. Hung a linen cupboard in the bathroom. Made the shelf in the refrigerator nook, painted the trim around the nook, and finally pushed the new fridge into it. We have doors painted for the cupboard over the fridge and a door painted for the pipe access in the bathroom. We even laid half the bathroom sub-floor tonight before we left for home. Tomorrow we should have the bathroom complete. I am hoping by Sunday I am painting the kitchen. A couple more days and the kitchen should be done too. We are also pushing to get the double doors for the front entrance hung. I got them primed and the first coat of paint on them today. One more coat tomorrow, and then need to paint the trim. Mike has to add the glass and put the hardware back on them. The New Year is starting with a bang - busy, but much progress being made.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I thought today would be the day to take down the outside decorations. The weather man said that it would be 40 degrees today, although rainy, and it was already 38 when we got up this morning. So, off the boys and I went to pull them down. Oh, it was wet already, but we were optimistic. Shortly into it I began to think it was a bad idea. We had gloves on, but cold fingers anyway. Some of the stakes are still frozen in the ground - they will have to come out tomorrow after it thaws a little more. And I decided the garland in the drive way will wait too. Mr. Grinch stayed in with Sadie who was upset so many of us were outside without her. Besides, he didn't put them up, so unless I really need him, he doesn't have to take them down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He forgot he put the wreath up high on the house - that one he gets to take down!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm Impressed

Today I went to the post office to check the P.O. box for the rental house. While I was getting out the mail, I saw a young man about 16 or 17 come in and drop something into the mail box. He left first and as I was dropping the adds into the recycle box there in the lobby, he was standing there holding the door for me. I hurried along, it's so rare these days to find polite young people, I hate to make him feel uneasy by holding the door too long. I thank him as I begin to go out, but he did not just hand the door off to me, he held it until I was out - a rare occurance. When I got back to the house, I told Mike about this and how good it made me feel. Then I looked at him -"was he just very polite, or am I looking so old now that people will begin to hold open doors, help me cross the street, and smile indulgently because I am so old that I can say anything and get away with it?" I will be 40 on my next birthday. Mike just smiled and changed the subject.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The stockings have been emptied, the boxes and wrappings thrown out. The boys enjoyed the day and headed off to their dad's family for holiday celebrations. Time to relax, and just enjoy. I made a ham on Christmas eve and we gave Sadie the bone on Christmas Day - lots of meat still on it. She was in Heaven, and by dinner time, I had to take the remains of the bone and throw them away. The Kitties got tuna from Grandma - Heaven for them too. Mike was the big winner - 12 tape measures. ( Mike loses tape measures like the kids lose their toys. These should last him for a couple of months at least!)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! Really.

However, my Grinchy hubby was at it again last night. He and the boys were working out in the garage, and after about an hour, Pete came in the house - alone. "Hey, Pete. Is everyone else on there way back up to the house to?" "No, Mike sent me up here. I think he was tired of hearing me sing Feliz Navidad." At that point my phone rang - Mike calling. "Send Pete out her with _____ (whatever tool he wanted)." "Sure Honey, is that why you sent him in?" "No, I was tired of hearing him sing Feliz Navidad" At least my son knew why he was banished to the house with me and the animals.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The First Full Day Of Winter

Today Steven had a Dr. appointment with his specialist 3 hours away. As we were getting ready this morning, I heard on the weather we had freezing drizzle but the roads were not too bad. Mike confirmed that when he went to work so we set off. As we drove, the drizzle turned to rain. OK, still not too bad, we'll continue. The radio station from the North of us said that there was snow, but no mention of freezing rain, and we were heading North. If we keep going, we will move out of the nasty weather. Then that station started talking of the freezing rain starting. The windshield began to ice up. That's it. We turned around and came home. It's too far to drive when the roads are this bad. Welcome Winter.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Yesterday, Mike got a call from his boss, saying that he had an interview with a different department. In he went, and when he came out, he was again employeed!!! Kind of.....he works 3 days this week (this department is only working 4 days a week right now, but they are 9 hour days) Then they are closed for 2 weeks over the holidays. Then back to work. We don't have to worry about keeping Steven insured now - my biggest fear is my son going uninsured then paying astronomical rates when we can get him back on the plan. At least the President has made it so he can't be denied insurance. This job includes some outside work so off we went to TSC last night to find him some Carharts (actually ended up with the same thing, different brand) to get him through the winter.

So, he went in to work this morning - starting time in this department is EARLY!!! and a call to say he needed me to bring him his boots. As I am looking around the house for them I went into the bassement where the boys and dog sleep. On goes the light and I hear Sadie yawning. No boots, so light off and back upstairs. I figured at that point Sadie would begin to bark and wake the boys up so she can get up and play. Nope......that silly puppy went back to sleep 2 hours ago and I still have not heard a peep out of her or the boys. Glad they are all on vacation, I get up with Mike so I can pack his lunch and make him some breakfast before he heads off to work. He's so lucky to have a great wife (if I do say so myself!)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

He Knew It When He Married Me

Sooooooo, Mike knew from the beginning that I am "Directionally Challenged". I had told him all along, but I don't think he believed me until the day that I had to call him because I made a wrong turn and was lost here in our small Amish town. Last year he bought me a GPS for Christmas (best gift ever!!) - and it has saved me many times. Last night we were driving by the apartment house, and Mike took a detour. By the time we were close to being back to the apartment, I was confused. I thought the house should have been right on the corner, but alas, it was not. Lost again in small town USA. Mike just called me. He's on the road with his brother coming back to the house. "Honey, look out the window, the sunrise is beautiful." HHHMMMM, he's going to make me say it, as I am looking out several windows. "Darling, which way is East?"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Our 79 pound "lap dog". SHHH, don't tell her she's not!!

Sadie loves her daddy!! 9 months old and only half grown!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Not Just A Way Out

Last night, we were supposed to go to the apartment house to work right after an early dinner. Well, after dinner Steve asked Mike (thank goodness, since Steve and I but heads when I try to help him with his homework! He would even rather call my sister who lives 2 hours away for help over the phone than ask me) for help with his math. Obvoiously that was a priority, so we waited for the homework dilema to be solved. By the time they got done, I had a killer headache. I could see it in his eyes......she doesn't have a problem- she just doesn't want to go now. Honey, did you take something? Yes dear, some motrin an hour ago. It's not helping. I also turned down the TV, took out my pony tail, and laid down. Not helping. OK, we won't go tonight. Off I went to lay down in my bed. An hour later a show came on that Mike knew I wanted to see. Do I feel well enough to come watch or did I want him to record it. No, I will take some more motrin and be down. Still not helping, but might as well be entertained while I hurt. I had a cup of tea to try to sooth, and thought, ahhhh caffine helps bad headaches. I'll have some chocolate to add some caffine - no diet coke in the house anymore. WAIT A MINUTE.....I gave up caffine a few days ago, pop was a luxury I decided had to go. This is a caffine headache. DDDUUUHHHHH. That's why nothing is helping. A little chocolate and a half glass of Mike's Mt. Dew later, the headache is gone. Why oh why didn't I think of that before????????? I have a small headache this morning. I'm going to have to wean myself off. It's going to be a rough week for my family.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Gaurdian

Sadie is now 9 months old and some of her "adult" instincts are kicking in. My mom was watching Pete and puppy sitting one day last month while I took Steve to a Dr. appointment out of town. Mom said that anytime Pete went out side without her, Sadie paced, barked and scratched at the door. She is also having seperation anxiety when the boys leave for school. I have to hold her back as they go out the door in the mornings. Then, the whole time they are at the road waiting for the bus she whines, she barks, she jumps up on her hind legs scratching at the door trying to get to them. She is better after the bus picks them up, but lays by the door most of the day until her family starts returning from their various destinations of the day. She wants her family home. My loving husband and sons thought I was exagerating this, until one day this week Steve had to get some vaccinations, so Pete left for school and Steve stayed home until it was time for me to take him. He could not believe the way Sadie was acting after Pete went out the door. There are days when she is so bad, I have to put her in her crate for a while so she calms down. Funny, I did research on St. Bernards and Newfoundlands before we got her, and they are working dogs, not hearding dogs. I have not been able to make her understand that she should not be so upset when her "heard" wanders.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


After a year and a half of marriage, my husband and I are finally having some alone time. Without the children. But not the way we wanted to have time together. No, there is nothing wrong with the kids - well, nothing more wrong than being 11 and 13 year old boys. Last Friday Mike came home from work to tell me he is laid off. For at least 3 weeks, but we don't know for sure how long it may last. He spent yesterday on the phone calling people in the company he knows or has worked for before to see if there are any openings in their departments. Tomorrow he is going out knocking on doors to see if there are any jobs out there. Today we got to take an afternoon nap together- a nice treat. We are torn between glad to have some time to get all our projects completed, and worried about the job market. Lord knows that with this new twist in our life we have to get the third apartment done and rented ASAP. We even have a lead of someone looking for a place who is supposed to give us a call around Christmas time- that would fill the one we are working on right now. Wish us luck. And anyone who has any great ways to stretch a dollar...let me know!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Busy Time

I know I have not posted lately, but it has been a busy time in our house. I worked 2 weeks at my part time job, now I am off until after the new year. We had a holiday open house here the first weekend of the month, and Christmas with my family last weekend. The priest called a meeting for the Sunday school parents and I found myself volenteering to work on getting a youth group running. One of the benifits of working at H&R Block, is I get my taxes done for free this year, so I have started getting our tax info orgainized and ready to go so as soon as we get our papers in the mail, I can hand them over to one of the girls doing the taxes and voila......we don't have to worry about them this year. I think this is only a priority for me becasue this year has been so awful for my family that I can not wait to be done with 2010, and on to bigger and better things in 2011. Sadly, Chirstmas is my favorit time of year and I can not get myself into the spirit like ususal. Some of the outside lights are not working properly, and I don't even care enough to go out and try to fix them. This will be the first year I can remember that Christmas day will be just our family-a nice change of pace. No big brunch or lunch for me to rush into the kitchen to make after the boys open their gifts. No family coming over for me to run around the tree area of the house making it look presentable (how did gift wrap get THERE? And why are there so many parts to toy/electronics packaging?) while said meal is cooking. I plan to let the boys stay in their jammies as long as they want, to play with their "goodies" all day, and have plenty of food in the fridge for us to munch on so I don't have to cook all day. HHMMMMM, sounds like a real holiday for us.