Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Fair Method

When I was growing up, I learned how to build and remodel from my dad and my grandfather. I also learned how to be the good building assistant, from what I had seen my mom and my grandmother doing to help. Most of this help involved holding things. Usually holding them above your head, and for long periods of time while the men stood back to look at how the project was coming, is the thing (2x4, cupboard, light....what the thing was doesn't matter, it was the process) level, in the right spot, going to work....... Little did I realize that this Fair Method Of Building would also be the Lee Method. I must admit to a little guilty pleasure last year when my parents came over to help us put the new cupboards in the kitchen - dad was holding up a cabinet while Mike was checking it out. I seem to remember something coming out of dad's mouth to the effect of "Hurry up, this is heavy". HMMM, seemed familiar. So, this week Mike and I were building a trap door to the basement at the apartment house. Mike was attaching struts to make the door easy to lift and stay up on it's own. While he was doing this, I had to hold the 75 pound door up on about a 75 degree angle while Mike worked on the parts. This involved letting my hand that was holding the door rest on my shoulder (it hurt too much to just let the door rest on my shoulder by itself). After about a half hour of doing this (with the occasional reprive of letting it down while he checked how the struts were working), I told Mike that even though I was using my shoulder, the door was still heavy. Finally he told me to let it down. By this time, my whole arm was asleep, shoulder to wrist. Instead of putting it down slowly like he wanted, it slammed down. I think the Lee method is a little worse than the Fair method was.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Horse or Mouse?

Yes, you read that right. We had the fun job of demolition this weekend. We took down some plaster walls in the rental house, which we try to do as neatly as possible, so whenever we can pull off chunk of plaster to put in our dumping buckets, we do - there gets to be enough on the floor no matter how careful we try to be. Mike was doing the high part of the ceiling (11 foot ceilings there) and handing me down plaster. These 150 year old houses, have horse hair mixed in the plaster to make it stronger. As Mike passed me a couple of chunks, I screamed. I thought there was a mouse that came out of the wall with the plaster. Mike just laughed and reminded me about the horse hair, some spots have much bigger clumps than others, and he had just handed me a piece of plaster with a big chunk of hair in it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

They Just Don't Understand

Wednesday night my husband and I had to make a supply run to the home improvement store. After we looked for the supplies we needed, we ended up in the holiday section. Low and behold, I found the very thing I was lamenting not being able to get earlier this year. On QVC I had found the coolest thing during Christmas in July - a lightshow programable tree - I was only able to get one, they were out and back ordered. Then the news via e-mail they would not be getting any more this season. Oh, I wanted 3 of them. Whoo, hoo, these looked like the one I had gotten, but I could not be sure of the brand. Then the other item I have been drooling over ( a wirless, musical, lightshow that makes your Christmas lights flash to the music) was on sale. My loving husband made a special trip back to that store after we had visited the other home improvement store to get everything we needed, just so we could get these items (just between you and me, I don't think he is nearly as Grinchy as he would have me believe).

Yesterday while the boys were at school and Mike at work, I unpacked my treasures. The brands of the trees are the same!!! The wireless light show is cool - not as sophisticated as the real big displays they show on TV, but good enough for now. Now I have drawn out the yard, and am working on my design for our outside decor. My boys (all 3 of them) didn't realize the planning that goes into this stuff. We only have 3 outside outlets, only 4 wirless recievers to make the show, and a huge yard. I also need to balance it all out on the breakers so I don't blow the circut. I can't put lights on our tall house (afraid of heights), Mike won't have time with all there is to do at the rental, so I have to figure a design that won't look like I just forgot to light the house. I also don't want to be the house that looks like Christmas just "threw up" in the yard. You know the ones I am talking about - everything imaginable is in the yard, every square inch occupied by something. Nothing goes together, it's just an over whelming mess. So the planning continues. I want to be starting to put up the lights outside on Nov 1, so I have it just the way I want it by Thanksgiving. I guess the real big shows in people's yards start going up in September, so Mike should be grateful we aren't that big - yet.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

That Darn Cat

Our kitty Santara is the one on the aniexty meds. We were told to try to make her life as stress free as possible, including making sure she had her own food and water dishes. Her world revolves around the bathroom, which is where her happy pheremon plug in is, so that is where we put her dishes. Mind you, the other set of dishes is just on the other side of our bedroom, on the landing of the stairs to keep the dog out of the cat food. The last two nights, Santara woke Mike up in the middle of the night because her food dish is empty (both cats seem to eat the most in the night - I can go to bed and they have plenty of food, but when morning comes, they are low to out of food). So in the night she walks out of the bathroom and across our room to wake up Mike. Now, if I measure, Mike sleeps about 3 feet from the other food dish. Santara will now ignore that bowl, even if it is the only one containing food, and cry for the new dish to be filled. And Mike, will get up and do what she wants. She certainly has him trained.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Things are progressing nicely at our rental house. We have given ourselves a new deadline, as there are some new ordinances coming into effect in the city the house is in. We're working hard every day to get the last apartment done before the end of October. Mike got some of the bedroom wiring done last night and I cleaned the apartment (why is that always MY job?) I do claim one small victory, though. I had just swept the big bedroom and Mike was wiring the light switch. He threw wire trash on the floor, looked at me, and then picked it back up. I gave him a trash can and he used that the rest of the night. If you know Mike, you know what a win that is! Unfortunately, I didn't feel good by the time we left there last night, so today I am resting so I will be up for more renovations tonight. It's hard to accomplish too much when you only have a couple of hours on a week night, but we have to use what time we have. There are some things I can do during the day while Mike is at work, so I will be spending lots of time there during the day. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL WE ARE DONE WORKING ON THIS HOUSE!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun Day

We just returned from the Notre Dame / Western football game. I haven't been to a college football game since I was in college. The boys have never been to any football games, not even high school. They loved it, although they were embarassed by their mother cheering for her Alma Mader while they were rooting for Notre Dame. We had to call the Grandpas to tell them to watch the game, we are there, maybe we'll be on TV. I'm sure we were not, but we had a good time. Western was the under dog but I thought they did well considering the calaber they play at and the way the Irish play. We all enjoyed the marching band, the boys were considering whether they want to try for their school marching band in a year or two. A small group of the band came and sat around our seats and played a fight song after half time. There was a small group of trombones (Steve's instrument) sitting in front of us. It was really cool. I think the boys got much more excited about their instruments, especially when they heard songs from Shrek, and Star Wars.

New Title

Well, I finally have a new title I can refer to myself as. Last night we were at the apartment house, collecting rent, emptying the coin operated laundry machines, and then putting up the wall that turns this last apartment from one bedroom to two. As we were putting up the wall, our newest tenant came over and asked Mike if I was there. She told the two of us something and then left. When I asked Mike if I had heard her ask for me, he said yes. But she had not told me anything she couldn't have told him, and nothing after he went back to working on his wall. I told him that she just likes me better. He said, "Well, you are the property manager and all I am is the co-owner and worker". Yes, he is the "handyman" around there. So, my new title is "Property Manager" - I wonder if that comes with a salary? Wait, he didn't mention I'm also book keeper - and in that copacity, I know, there will be no salary.

Friday, October 15, 2010

I need more hours in a day. There just seems to be so much to get done, and no time to do it. In fact, I can not believe I ever got anything done when I worked full time and was a single parent. Today is laundry day - it is supposed to be a sunny, breezy day - a great day to hang the clothes out on the line. I need to spend a few days at the apartment house, but that never happened this week. Yesterday was errand day with a pleasant afternoon visiting with my Grandmother. The weekends are always booked up with the things Mike and I need to do together, plus some quality time spent with the boys. We need to lay the hardwood floor in the "in-law apartment" this weekend, Mike is worried that it will begin to warp if we don't lay it soon.

Mike just shakes his head when I begin decorating. I have the fall decorating done - mostly anyway. When I put away the Halloween specific stuff, the Thanksgiving will then appear. As a man who never worried about decorating, he just doesn't get it. This is one of my favoite times of the year. I can get out my bulky sweaters, it's the perfect time for scented candles, the leaves are beautiful. And I look good in dark brown and green - fall colors!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Silly Puppy

When we started obedience training this summer with Sadie, she was upset and confused because while the puppies worked hard, their only drink consisted of ice cubes. She would lick a couple, but she was totally un-impressed. After all, the boys had her drinking out of water bottles and I had taught her to eat chicken off a fork when she was sharing a Nelson's Port-A-Pit dinner with Mike and I one day. What is the deal with this hard cold water that does NOT quench a thirst. We were also told in obedience class that when dogs work or exercise hard, we are NOT to give water for at least an hour as it could cause their stomach to twist and then bad things happen (anyone seen Marly and Me?). We should just put some ice in her water bowl, if dogs like ice, she will eat it and get her liquids that way, if not, it will melt slowly and by the time she drinks it, it will be ok for her. This never impressed her either. But somewhere, somehow this has changed. Every now and then I would put an ice cube in her water bowl, usually if one fell on the floor while we were getting it out of the ice dispenser on the fridge- she tries to get it out, and it reminds us of kids bobbing for apples (just as much water mess on the floor too!). Now, whenever she hears the ice dispenser, she is at my side, waiting for hers. I will now put the ice in my cup, and take one out to give her before the water goes in. She takes it off to chew happily (usually on my living room area rug). Yesterday I was making iced tea for the boys, filling the pitcher with ice. Apparently that was taking too long, because she started nosing the bottom of the pitcher, as if to tell me to hurry up with her cube. One lady at obedience told me that her dog likes ice so much, he helps himself at the fridge dispenser. Hope she never figures out how to use that!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree

Last year on Christmas morning our tree was so wobbly, that we took it down as soon as the presents were opened. We did not want to take the chance of it crashing down will all the ornaments on it. It slowly went to the garbage man for the next few weeks. Yesterday I was watching some QVC (hey, there wasn't anything on TV!) and it happened to be a Christmas item day. I got on line, for QVC, and began looking at trees. I found what we were looking for - 12 foot, pre-lit, white lights, not too wide at the bottom, fairly reasonable price for the size, only $20 shipping - and showed Mike when he got home from work (remember my Grinch?). I was debating between that one and a 9 foot tree. We got out the tape measure to see how high each would come on the front wall in the living room. I wondered if the 12 foot was over -kill. Mike said he was fine with a grand tree. I wondered if he would actively participate in the decorating of the top part of the tree and was assured he would. The tree is now ordered and should be here next week. He says I can't put it up when it gets here, though. Bahh, Humbug.

We're Being Invaded!

While we were sitting down at the dinner table last night, one of the boys looked up at the ceiling. Why are all those lady bugs in here? Up we all look, and sure enough, there are probably 50 lady bugs crawling on the ceiling. Now I thought the lady bugs swarm in the spring. In fact I had been congratulating us that this spring we never saw more than maybe 10 a day - most of them in my bathroom, and to be more exact, several dead and alive in the bath tub every time I wanted a bath. But they were not as bad as I remembered them being last year. Mike tells me, yes they are out in the spring, but now they are trying to find a warm place to spend the winter. Looks like next spring there will be lots more lady bugs around.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let The Fun Begin

Friday I picked Sadie up from the vet. We had her spayed - we really thought about whether or not to be responsible pet owners...... she is such a good girl, wouldn't it be great to let her have puppies??? But in the end, practicallity set in, and the appointment made. Now, how to make sure a 7 month old puppy stays calm for 10 days of recovery?

I am finally able to prepare for 2011. I ran to the nearest Office Max today for my yearly calendar. As much as Mike makes fun of me and my need to plan ahead and be organized, he was looking for a new calendar last week to put his next denist appointment on. Birthdays have been transfered and it is ready to go. I made us a P&L (profits and loss) statement on the rental property for the year, and Mike and I agreed on rent increases for new leases signed next year. Maybe 2011 will have that house making us some money instead of costing us so much. I hope so.

We bought 2x4's to put up a dividing wall in our final apartment we need to renovate, to make it into a 2 bedroom. We really need to have this apartment finished by January 1, 2011. We will be starting the wall this week. I need to start chiseling out the cracks in the plaster to make a bigger area so the plaster mixture will stick to the wall and fix the cracks. Boy, there are a lot of cracks!! Luckily, this apartment is going to come along fairly easily. We already drywalled the ceilings to the living and bed rooms. Just need to put up the tin ceiling panels in the living room. Most of the walls are salvagable, just fixing the cracks and paint. We have good hardwood flooring, we just need to fix the centers, sand and re-finish. Re-place some window panes and those rooms should be done. The kitchen needs a new sub-floor and linoleum, strip wall paper, and paint. Oh, that room needs a new ceiling. Bathroom needs painted, new tile floor, install all fixtures and done. I think our Jan goal is do-able.

We also finished the texture paint on the ceiling of the in-law apartment Mike is building on our property. Today he is sanding walls so I can paint tomorrow. Gotta have all that done before we lay the hardwood flooring that is sitting and waiting patiently to be installed. Oh, and he installed the door on the bathroom closet for my clothes. He will sand that drywall then hang the bar and it is ready for me to have closet space!!!!

I wonder when things will settle down. I guess after the apartments are finished.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You've Got To Be Kidding

Yesterday was laundry day. As I was straightening the house while doing the many loads that seem to accumulate, I was doing a laundry sweep. Into the pile with the kitchen towels, throw rugs and placemats. It was a beautiful day, so everything that could went out on the clothes line. As I was pulling the placemats out of the basket, to hang on the line (mind you they were new for fall this year) I noticed they had shrunk quite a lot. HUHH? OK, check the care tag and ...... spot clean only. Why, oh why, would anyone manufacture a placemat that can not be thrown in the washing machine? I don't know about the rest of the world, but my family is a little messy - hench the need for the placemats. I guess from now on I have to check the lable before I buy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Noteworthy Day

Last night was a day to mark on the calendar. Are you all waiting on pins and needles to find out what made yesterday so special?? Get ready.......Mike took the last Pella Window sticker out of the windows here at home. Why is that such a big deal? Well, he built the house 10 years ago!! As we have been doing some things around the house, we have gradually been taking down stickers for a year - yes, there were several still up when I moved in. Unfortunately, with such large windows, high ceilings and me being afraid of heights..... well, I just couldn't take them out by myself. And this last sticker was in the worst window of all - over a stairway. It was my last window to get my curtain hung in, and I asked him if while he was up there he would PLEASE, PLEASE remove that sticker. He also washed the window and got rid of the cob webs!! What a man.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pets VS Children

Some days the pets are more trouble than the children. We've been having trouble with Santara. She never really liked me, the boys she avoids like the plague, she and my cat Fiona take turns tormenting the other, and add the puppy....... She started going potty outside the litter box. OK, so I let Mike talk me into putting a litter box upstairs in our bathroom so she would not have to go down to the basement, dodging the rest of the family who lives in the whole house, instead of just upstairs. Mind you, I HATE having a litter box in the bathroom, steping on litter as you walk around barefoot. Anyway, we did that for a while and she was still not using the litterbox. I finally talked Mike into a vet visit for her. The darned cat is now on anti-anxiety medicine!!!.. She has a pheremone that plugs into an outlet like an airfreshener that releases a "happy place" scent to calm her. We also have a liquid to rub inside her ear for more anti-anxiety meds. Just looking at her, you can see the change in her just from the plug in. She is much calmer and more relaxed. Darned if we probably won't have to keep the cat medicated from now on. And I still have to keep a litter box in my bathroom.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Last Satruday night, right before bed, Mike turned on the furnace. Around 5 AM I woke up to a loud sound of something trying to kick on, run loudly, and finally go off. It happened 3 more times before 6. Now, I didn't know that Mike turned on the furnace, I love the house to be cold at night - cuddling up under the blankets is my favorite place to be. I finally woke Mike to see if he could figure out what that awful noise was - I don't sleep well any more, and I am often up for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I KNOW the night sounds in the house, and this was not one of them. He jumped out of bed, and rushed down to the utility room to check on the furnace. He turned it off and told me he thought we must have had a critter of some sort crawl into the furnace over the summer. The boys and I headed off to church, and he stayed home to check on fixing the furnace. Well, no sign of the critter now - he figured it was chewed up in the fan then cremated by the furnace - lovely thought, but there was now a broken part. Some internet research and this is a pricey part, of course they don't just sell the little piece that was broken, you have to buy the whole big assembly. Off to the store, Mike bought some epoxy and announced he would try to fix the part on his own. Today will be the moment of truth. After work tonight he will put the repared part in the furnace and turn it on. Cross your fingers for us!!